Cancer Care
Here you can find information about cancer screening, post diagnosis support cancer care reviews and information to support professionals in primary care.
Here you can find information about cancer screening, post diagnosis support cancer care reviews and information to support professionals in primary care.
A Cancer Care Review (CCR) is a conversation between you and your health professional at your GP Practice about your cancer experience, treatment and recovery. This is your opportunity to...
We have recently appointed a Cancer Care Co-Ordinator with the aim of raising cancer awareness with individuals who have learning disabilities and those who are autistic. In addition to improving...
What is screening? Screening is a way of identifying apparently healthy people who may have an increased risk of a particular condition. The NHS offers a range of screening tests...
After a cancer diagnosis you may need a range of support services to enable you to manage your health and wellbeing. Some of the more common concerns that people have...
Here you can find information for professionals that will help you to conduct efficient Cancer Care Reviews (CCRs) whilst meeting the needs of your patients after their cancer diagnosis. CCRs...
Page under development.
Date published: 23rd February, 2023
Date last updated: 2nd April, 2024